Multisectoral learning approach
The multisectoral approach to learning is a system of active, reproductive and integrative multidisciplinary approaches, the need for which arises with the high-tech society and as a consequence of the fact that young people are developing rapidly, they receive a huge resource of information and keeping their attention becomes increasingly difficult.
Needs of students
By developing and piloting a multisectoral approach in the system of the basic stage of secondary education in two Bulgarian schools, students aged 11-15 years for a period of 3 school years to build practical skills to cope with life situations, bringing together theoretical knowledge from all subjects included in the curriculum.
accumulated in all academic disciplines and to unite them in a logical coherence, leading to the acquisition of practical skills for dealing with life situations;
an approach that develops a wide range of skills for the practical recognition of phenomena and processes that have been learned theoretically, skills for orientation in a situation, skills for searching and finding cause and effect relationships, skills for a general overview of all the objects studied and their connection to real life situations.
Needs of teachers
an approach to going beyond the specifics of the subject being taught and finding links with other subjects;
Developing the ability to work as a team with the whole teaching team in finding the key cross-curricular links and deriving the right tasks and projects;
trainings to develop abilities for innovative teaching approaches, skills to recognize natural leaders and roles in group learning.
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RegisterNeeds of the training process
Integration of the studied subjects, so that the accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge from each of them is understandable and applicable in its entirety;
To be innovative, interesting and evolving to be innovative, interesting and evolving in tune with the novelties and challenges of the social environment and society;
Needs of the social environment and society
Integration of the studied subjects, so that the accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge from each of them is understandable and applicable in its entirety;
To be innovative, interesting and evolving to be innovative, interesting and evolving in tune with the novelties and challenges of the social environment and society;