Multi-sectoral approach

The main role of each business council is to involve in its structure representatives of SMEs, branch organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, representatives of local government and municipal and regional administration and entrepreneurs.

Approach information

The project idea is aimed at students in the basic stage of lower secondary education aged between 11-15 years and pedagogical specialists who teach subjects included in the core curriculum.

The basis of this project proposal is the development and introduction in the system of lower secondary education in Bulgaria of an innovative multi-sectoral approach that would unite through the setting of project tasks, the knowledge of students from all subjects studied in the curriculum, which would lead to the acquisition of the right The project idea is feasible in every Bulgarian and European school without financial and operational burden for the schools.

The multisectoral approach can be introduced in any school without the need to add hours to the curriculum, without the need for additional pedagogical specialists and a special program.The multisectoral approach moves in unison with the established curriculum, and the tasks it sets itself are the acquisition of skills by students to cope with life situations by combining knowledge from all the disciplines studied. The multisectoral approach will be developed through the elaboration of rules for the development of a unified didactic manual, the development of a unified didactic manual, the methodology for initial, intermediate and post-assessment. The dissemination of information on the approach will be done through a social media campaign, media appearances and the creation of an online platform (website). The introduction of the multisectoral approach will be done through a database with sample tasks and case studies and a synthesized multimedia course. The envisaged period for piloting the multisectoral approach in two Bulgarian schools is three school years. After the project is completed, all online platforms will continue their work and the organisations involved in the project will continue their actions to introduce the approach in more and more schools.

Types of approach

Rules for the development of a unified didactic guide for the implementation of a multisectoral approach with transnational applicability in the educational process of the countries participating in the project proposal

The development of the Rules for the development of the unified didactic guide for the implementation of the multisectoral approach is one of the key processes and is based on an analysis that contains information about the nature of the educational process in each country involved in the project and the specific didactic approaches that are used in each country. The rules regulate the conditions and procedures for the development of the didactic manual, matching its content with its applicability in the curricula and programmes of both Bulgaria and the other countries participating in the project.

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Types of approach

A didactic guide (handbook) for the implementation of a multisectoral approach in the system of lower secondary education for three school years

The main aim of the didactic guide is to support teachers in using a multisectoral approach to planning and teaching in the lower secondary level of schools in Bulgaria.The didactic guide is seen as a support material for teachers who want to achieve an integrated knowledge and develop life skills in children, but it does not replace the curriculum and syllabuses. The guide provides a new reading of how subjects can be taught so that children and young people gain practical knowledge of real life and leave school with the practical knowledge and skills they need. The guide contains examples that can be used as written, while others can serve as a guide for teachers to design and develop their own ideas.Through the ideas described, we encourage teachers to be creative and innovative in their planning. The guide is not intended to answer all questions about multisectoral teaching, but initially it provides guidelines to support teaching that integrates subject knowledge and sparks students' interest.In connection with the development of the didactic guide, several appropriate forms for the implementation of multisectoral education were identified as follows:Life case study;Project;Science festival;Abstract;Research journal.

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Types of approach

A methodological guide for initial intermediate and follow-up evaluation.

The methodological guide for the assessment of the initial, intermediate and follow-up level of the acquisition of skills for coping with life situations in students in the lower secondary stage of education will be a product obtained as a result of the data analysed, the didactic guide and its rules prepared and meetings and consultations held with pedagogical specialists and experts with experience in school education.The main objective of the methodological guide is to provide an assessment toolkit that is intended for pedagogical specialists and is It is through this guide that students will be assessed according to predefined indicators and assessment scales in several separate sections:1. Leadership qualities; skills in handling, synthesizing and selecting information and defining information sources that are most appropriate and credible for dealing with the specific case; skills in selecting, organizing and presenting information is the use of appropriate language and style; skills in defining and formulating tasks and subtasks, in planning processes, tracking and timing individual subtasks related to the implementation of the Skills in integrating the end result of each sub-task and reporting its contribution to the main task; teamwork skills including communication within and outside the team, behaviour in conflict situation, taking responsibilities, etc.2. Evaluation of overall performance by groups on the following parameters: Synchrony and organization during case study; Ability to self-organize; Perception of leadership; Planning, implementation and expeditiousness in handling sub-tasks; Cooperation and sharing of responsibility; Atmosphere and relationships in the team, etc.

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Types of approach

Certification system

In the context of the Certification System, when a particular school is able to successfully implement the multisectoral approach and its different innovative elements, it can be approved and become part of the network of implementing schools.For this purpose, potential applicants will have to develop and share materials so that other schools can learn about the innovation and the steps they need to take to multiply and/or adapt it according to their specific case/case. The certification methodology is fully subordinated to the project proposal in the implementation of the project "Multisectoral Approach" implemented under the Erasmus+ programme and is based on the following basic steps:Determination of the required base of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and their examination (evaluation);Determination of the number of case studies (projects) that the school has implemented in a specific period;Contribution of the school in the expansion of the database related to sample tasks, case studies and their organization;Contribution of the school in the promotion of the project.

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Types of approach

Database with sample problems and case studies.

The database with sample tasks and case studies has been developed as a basis for each school applying the multisectoral approach. The tasks presented can be used and/or supplemented according to the needs of educators and students, but each global topic should be presented through the following model:Topic;Guiding ideas;Suitable for students of the target age;Questions related to the application of knowledge;Sample form of making the link between subjects;Guiding objectives;Methods used;Expected outcomes;Product(s);Keywords;Materials to support the teacher's work;Sample extracurricular activities;Stakeholders;Links between subject areas.

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Types of approach

The synthesized multimedia course

The synthesized multimedia course will support the processes of understanding the nature of the multisectoral approach, its useful impact and its contribution to improving the curriculum and increasing students' interest in science and the school environment. In this course, teachers and school leaders will receive basic guidance on the didactic approaches and methodologies used, become familiar with the assessment methodology, and examine a sample assignment with all its accompanying methodologies and guidelines for implementation. In this course they will learn about the results of the analyses in the European countries participating in the project and having higher levels of achievement in terms of innovation in the learning process. Good practices from the UK, Czech Republic and Greece will be reviewed. The multimedia course will be a synthesised view of all the processes involved in developing and implementing a multi-sectoral approach. In addition to assisting management and education professionals, this course will also be useful in engaging parents, school boards and community councils. Most schools seek parental consent when introducing innovative approaches. The multimedia course will also be developed to meet this need.

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Types of approach

Analyses of education systems

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