On 29.08.2023 an information meeting was held
On 29.08.2023 (Tuesday) at 10:30 am in the large conference hall of the House of Culture "Boris Hristov" - town. An information meeting was held in Plovdiv in connection with the implementation of the international project "Introduction of a multisectoral approach in the system of the basic stage of secondary education, through the application of knowledge from all academic disciplines in the acquisition of skills for coping with life situations.", co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union. An innovative multisectoral approach in lower-secondary education in Bulgaria was presented to a packed hall. The event was attended by principals, teachers, students, representatives of NGOs and journalists. The attendees showed great interest in the approach and had an intensive discussion with the moderator of the meeting. At the end of the event, most of the participants expressed their willingness to introduce the method in their schools. The moderator gave a short demonstration of the approach on the website, through which anyone interested, after a short registration, can access all the intellectual products developed by the project and maintain communication with other educational institutions implementing the product.