Through the project "Introducing a multi-sectoral approach in the system of basic education in secondary education, by applying knowledge from all academic disciplines in the acquisition of skills to cope with life
situations" under the "Erasmus +" programme of the European Union, Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, a pilot multisectoral approach to education will be developed in two schools in Bulgaria. Chavdar and St. Cyril and Methodius Primary School, Bulgaria. Труд за период от 3 учебни години.
The multisectoral approach to learning is a system of active, reproductive and integrative multidisciplinary approaches, the need for which arises with the development of technology. The approach is based on the integration of knowledge from all the disciplines studied in order to develop practical skills for dealing with life situations in children aged 11-15. It is characterised not by learning everything that is necessary, but by learning and developing skills in different disciplinary areas that are related to the application of what is learned in real life situations.
The leading factor in the approach is the teacher, who directs the cognitive activities of the students through mentoring - the teacher formulates the tasks, supports the students in their implementation, each student has a specific role, and provides information about the results. Through the system of the approach, students acquire the skills to discover, explore and develop their knowledge in a specific cognitive context, working in teams and groups; they acquire the ability to suggest different ways of producing a final product through a constructed process.
The multisectoral approach has not been applied in Bulgaria so far. The innovation of the approach is the inclusion of all studied subjects in the preparation of a task (case study), which is posed by the teachers, through the extraction of inter-subject links that would help in the process of solving the problem (case study), students to learn practical skills for dealing with real life situations.
The multisectoral approach can be introduced in any Bulgarian school if its management and teaching staff so wish. Its implementation does not require additional hours and educators. No special supplies and facilities are needed. What is needed are pedagogical specialists who are innovative and open to the use of innovation in the educational process.