My energy saving home


Energy is all around us. It is responsible for making everything happen, whether we are using a household appliance, or taking a walk in the park, caravanning around town, or doing anything that involves movement or activity.Energy is in everything we eat, consume, or use. Energypowers and regulates the body's natural internal functions. It rebuildscells and body tissues, is used to build muscles and is neededto maintain homeostasis - and the harsher the environment, themore energy is needed to maintain this.

Guiding Objectives of the task will be for children and young people to learn what energy is; what the relationship between work and energy is; to develop energy conservation skills; to learn what it means to convert energy from one form to another and to explore different ways to reduce energy consumption at home.

The task is suitable for students aged 12 - 13 - 6th grade in the Bulgarian educational system.

The questions to be answered by solving the problem are :

  1. How much electricity does our family use per month/per year?
  2. What electrical appliances do we use in our daily lives? What is their energy consumption?
  3. Do we know how to use them safely?
  4. What are the means of measuring energy costs in the home?
  5. In what units is energy consumption measured?
  6. How much does 1 kilowatt hour of electricity cost in our locality
  7. What does our household use electricity for?
  8. What is our family's electricity bill?
  9. How can we reduce electricity consumption in our household?
  10. How can we reduce electricity consumption in our locality ?
  11. What is the environmental importance of savingelectrical and thermal energy in the home?
  12. Which are the structures responsible for energy supply - contact details
  13. What is the purpose and principle of operation of the electrical installation - lighting , sound, security?
  14. Where in our locality do we pay our energy bill?


The possible forms of making a connection between objects in solving the first problem are diverse and caninclude various methods, such as:

  • the development of a project on "My energy-saving home";
  • the development of a project on "Expert assessment of energy costs in the home";
  • developed a research diary - "What we spend energy on at home";
  • solving a life case "How to reduce energy consumption in the home";
  • organising an energy science festival;
  • papers on various topics, etc.

All of the above forms can bemade meaningful through the use of various methods such as debates, role plays, brainstorming, simulations and various experiments.

It is expected that after solving the first task, the children will learn in detail about the different energy sources; acquire skills for safe handling of electricity and develop attitudes towards saving electricity and heat.

In developing the different forms of making connections between subjects, children will learn different skills in the disciplines studied at school, namely:

Mathematics - Rational numbers. Negative values.

Information Technology - Visual communication on the Internet - signs related to hazards. Visual projects through the integration of image and text. Photocollage.

Technology and Entrepreneurship - Electrical installations in the home. Energy. Electrical appliances.

Fine Art - Book Cover Design. Types of fonts. Poster. Engraving.

Music - Seasonal songs. Electric Musical Instrument

Man and Nature - Physics - Connecting electric circuits. Heat sources. Conductors and insulators. Batteries.Radiator- thermal action of current. Luminous action of current. Mechanical action of current. Safety of handling electricity. Chemistry - Ironas a conductor of electricity. Combustion,fuels, chemical reactions in nature. environmental pollution from fuels. Biology - Life processes. Irritability and movement.

Geography - Climate of the continents. Relief and minerals.Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Electricity generation. Pollution.Alternative sources of electricity.

History and Civilizations - Architecture and Science. Construction of buildings during the Middle Ages. Types of heating in the home.

Literature - Landscape description. Concise retelling

Native language - Homogeneous parts of a sentence.

About town - Feeling at home. Reading weather forecast. Naturalworld. Talking about weather. Predictions for the future.